Celebrating Democracy!

Center 4 Food Safety
2 min readNov 19, 2020


Celebrating Democracy!

I’m sure many of you are relieved about what the election results mean for the future of our health, the environment, and our country. Thankfully, democracy won the day — but our work continues.

As a first step, we’re already working to pressure the new administration to undo all the dangerous government actions from the past four years. From overturning the approval of toxic pesticides to restoring environmental laws that protect our air, water, pollinators, and wildlife, it’s going to be a busy few months!

Here are our top five policies approved under the Trump administration that we will be pressuring the Biden administration to reverse:

- Strengthen USDA rules for GMO labeling requirements to ensure on-package labeling and our right to know;
- Restore animal welfare protections in Organic livestock production that were rescinded under the Trump administration;
- Restore the ban on GMOs and bee-killing neonicotinoid pesticides in National Wildlife Refuges;
- Undo the Environmental Protection Agency’s re-approval of the toxic, cancer-causing pesticide glyphosate and the endocrine-disrupting pesticide atrazine;
- Overturn regulations that strip away the environmental review of GMO crops prior to their approval; and much more!

Center for Food Safety will be vigilant, as we always are, in holding the new administration to their promise to overturn agency actions and regulations that have been detrimental to the Earth and our communities.

As we embark on 2021, I am hopeful that the outcome of this historic election will move us forward in our quest to protect the Earth and ensure everyone’s access to safe food. And while today is a day to celebrate, tomorrow we will go “all in” and continue our work. Together, victory by victory, at the federal, state, and county levels, we will create and defend a food future that empowers people and protects the planet.

Thank you for your continued support and partnership in our work.

Onwards, together!

Andrew Kimbrell

Executive Director

P.S. If you’d like to support our work to reverse Trump policies that negatively impact human health and the environment, a tax-deductible donation to Center for Food Safety is an investment in creating a safe and healthy environmental legacy for generations to come.

Originally published at https://www.centerforfoodsafety.org.

